How did the House of Brigid get started?
Over 11 years ago, some members of the Notre Dame Folk Choir expressed that they wished that a service program directed at liturgical music ministers existed, as they wanted to put their ministerial experience to good use once they graduated. That year, the Folk Choir toured Ireland, and these students saw the need there was for good music ministry within Irish parishes. Thus the idea of House of Brigid was born. House of Brigid is, in a way, a manner of expressing gratitude for the vibrant Catholic faith that Irish immigrants brought to the United States. The program started in Wexford, and then expanded to Dublin after five years.
Who is eligible to apply for House of Brigid?
Recent college graduates or people who have recently received a masters degree.
Do I have to have a degree in music to apply?
Nope! Our fellows come from a range of backgrounds and musical experience. The most important thing is that you’re willing to learn and grow as a music minister during your time in Ireland.
What does a typical day look like for a House of Brigid fellow?
There’s no simple answer for this. The duties of the Wexford and Dublin communities differ greatly, and fellows are often called upon to participate in special events at the parish. The best way to figure out what a House of Brigid fellow does is to talk to one of us! Email to contact the current fellows.
Do I get to choose where I’m placed?
No; you’ll receive a placement if accepted. We take a lot of things into consideration, including community dynamics, personality, and different experience levels, and we want you to be in the location that will be best for your personal formation.
What expenses are covered during my year of service?
House of Brigid covers travel to and from Ireland at the beginning and end of each year. Housing is provided, as well as a generous monthly stipend and health insurance. That stipend should be used to buy groceries, cover public transportation, and pay your gas bill. Most fellows find that this stipend more than covers their monthly expenses.
Is this a teaching program similar to ACE?
While catechesis is an important part of our work, especially in Wexford, it is not the main focus. Our role within the schools is primarily retreat planning and sacramental preparation for children in elementary and middle school.