An ancient legend about St. Brigid speaks beautifully of her trust in God. She approached a local chieftain to ask for the land she would need to establish her monastery. Mocking her request, the chieftain told her that she could have as much land as her cloak would cover. Without hesitation, Brigid threw her cloak on the ground, and it grew to cover exactly the amount of land she needed. True to his word, the chieftain granted her that land, which is now known as the Curragh of Kildare.
Many images of St. Brigid, including the tapestry in Clonard Church, reference this story by combining her cloak with the land that surrounds her. The image of St. Brigid’s cloak covering the ground symbolizes her mission of spreading the Gospel of Jesus, a mission continued in the work of Teach Bhríde. Will you help us spread the cloak?
Many Thanks!