March rolls around and we are in full swing here at the Notre Dame Newman Centre. There is so much to look forward to in the next couple weeks as we host the premiere of a St. Patrick documentary tomorrow, 6th class Confirmation on Friday and we celebrate St. Patrick’s day on Monday. It feels like Christmas was just yesterday, but somehow we are headed into the second week of Lent. I am very grateful for the opportunity to volunteer and serve at Newman University Church again this Lenten season. On Monday’s during Lent, adoration is offered following the 1:05 pm mass. This is a nice opportunity to slow down and be in the presence of prayer during such a busy time of the year. As I sit in adoration, I say an extra prayer in thanksgiving for my weekly routine at Newman including Monday adoration, Tuesday Taizé and Wednesday teaching at Loreto. The days go by in the blink of an eye and I can’t help but wonder where I will be next Lent. As the Triduum grows closer, I remember to slow down, be in the moment and remember what this season is truly about.