Good Morning!
I’m not entirely sure where to begin my writing, but I guess I may as well start by sharing the song that is currently playing in my head: Ray Stevens’ “Turn Your Radio On,” in which Mr. Stevens sings the line, “Get in touch with God – turn your radio on.” As discussed in previous posts, and going directly off of that line (watch this transition…), it was a great experience to not only hear our voices yesterday evening (including Dan’s. SUCH a gorgeous voice.), but also hear some feedback on it. We had some people come up to us at Mass this weekend, wanting clarification on the time, and this morning, telling us that they enjoyed listening. Part of the value in preparing for this, though, has come not only through the outreach aspect of the program, but through our work beforehand. I’d strongly encourage everyone ( to all our listeners, to give this blog a radio theme), especially back in the States, to really do as much reading as you can surrounding the new Mass translations. My own participation and experience at Mass (while still occasionally turning “And with your spirit” into a sheepishly modified “And also with…your spirit”) has grown and deepened through the research I’ve done, especially in what I had to discuss on the radio.
Along with our radio debut, it was a really good weekend. This past weekend was chosen by the parish as one of the preparatory Sundays for the International Eucharistic Congress, coming next June to Dublin. Therefore, at the opening of Mass and in the homily there was a focus on “Gathering”, and what it meant to us, especially in the context of coming together as a worshiping community at Mass. Good food for thought and reflection. On Sunday after our liturgical work was done, we wandered into town to catch the All-Ireland Gaelic Football final on a TV at The Sky and the Ground, a local pub, which was a terrific match, won by Dublin over Kerry in injury time. Though with some knowledge of Gaelic football (a combination of basketball, volleyball, soccer, synchronized swimming, and ribbon dancing. Kidding about the last two. Maybe.), I took advantage of my friend Tom Aherne’s insight this morning to get the finer points that I might have missed.
The week ahead will be seeing some excitement. Dan and Molly had a rehearsal today for tomorrow’s school Mass for Kennedy Park (Molly’s take: “our Sacred Space is so awesome”), practicing with the students who are involved with a story of colors (I’m excited to see this in person). Jess and I are beginning work on Scoil Mhuire’s school Mass for Thursday-week (week from this Thursday, for those of you keeping score in the States). This evening Jess attended a meeting with the first Communion parents (which involved a late dinner for her, as my Chicken Broccoli gratin turned into a soup that was delivered to the table later than I anticipated. Sorry, Jess.) Current standings for spider… dealings (apologies to all you arachnophiles) are, me: a robust 4, Dan: a reasonable 3, and Molly and Jess: duking it out at a compassionate 1 apiece.
May you all have a beautiful day and evening, and apologies for the lateness of this post.
Love, and God Bless,