After a frustrating round of delays due to school schedules and snow, we FINALLY got to celebrate the November Class Mass this past Wednesday! One of Kennedy Park’s fourth classes came to the Church and presented a liturgy around the theme of All Saints.
All the students did great work, serving as cantors, readers, and gift bearers. Gifts were presented that represented the class’s talents, and students arranged them in a sacred space that contained images of the patron saints of sports, art, music, and schoolwork.
Fr. Martin’s homily told a story about a child who, upon seeing stained-glass images in a Church, asks his mother who the people are and learns that they are called the saints. Later in school, the same child’s teacher asks if anyone knows who the saints are, and the child responds simply, “The saints are the ones the light shines through.” At the end of Mass, Fr. Martin returned to the story, thanking the children for letting the light shine through them as they led the liturgy. For us, it felt great to finally see our efforts, and those of the students, come to fruition as these children led our daily Mass congregation in prayer.
Now that the Class Mass is over, we’re working on our final preparations for the celebration of St. Brigid’s Feast Day this weekend. We’re tweaking scripts, designing Powerpoints, practicing music, and are up to our eyeballs in the hand-woven crosses that will be distributed to our congregation at the end of the evening (and I, for one, couldn’t be happier that, at least for this week, crafts are our JOB).