The Sunny Southeast™ has been living up to its name recently, as we’ve been blessed with several days of glorious weather. Luckily for us, the blessings haven’t stopped with the weather – We’ve been graced with the presence of 3 more Masterton’s, in addition to the 1 that we have around all the time (Dan)!

Beyond that, though, we’ve been hunkering down and getting ready for Holy Week, along with the “usuals.” Our past few rehearsals for both the Vigil Choir and the Folk Group have ran a little longer as we work on the additional pieces of music required by the services during the Triduum, as well as the Easter Vigil and the Easter Sunday Masses. (Tough work, practicing our Al*e*u**’s…). This past Friday and Saturday also saw us doing two Confirmation retreats – one for Ballymurrin at Ballyvaloo, the other for St. Joseph’s at New Ross (an all girls school). The retreat in New Ross was especially interesting, given its location. It was held on the campus of Good Counsel College, using the cafeteria, chapel, and classrooms. In between these three locations was a fountain, which was completely full of soap suds when we showed up in the morning. After initially worrying that these might be a distraction… they were. They also helped, though. After a first small group meeting with my group that included no conversation, other than one girl saying, “Awkward!” everyone quickly loosened up and became more engaged in the day after chasing and attacking me with soap suds during our first break.

So there you have it – soap suds are good for things other than washing dishes, or practical jokes. They are powerful enough to break ice.

Have a beautiful Monday, and God Bless!